spelling errors in English Language - عــزم للمعلوميــات
spelling errors in English Language

spelling errors in English Language

شارك المقالة

:Statement of problem

  English Spelling Performance of University
Students has recently been declming and has become a Problematic area in the Process OF teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language . it has been noticed that the Students of Thamar University Education College English Department have a Clear Weakness in English Spelling . These Students make a lat of Spelling errors , also it has been noticed that they are incapable of Performing auen basic writing task . This Problem is due to the fact that the Students don’t Know the Spelling rules . and English Sounds recogmtion . Also,they are not familiarized with the correct Pronunciation.

:Research Question
Our Study tries to answer these questions
A- Are Spelling errors due to irregularity of English
B- Are most of the Spelling errors yue to addition.  omission , replacement
C- Are there ways that help teachers to improve students,Performance in English Spelling

Research Objectives :
The main objective of this Study :
A- Rconsider the reasons leading to the Problem of misspelling and Suggest a
Solution or treatment .
B- Identify , Classify and analyze the different spelling errors and the |English
students of Education College ,,Thamar University,,
C- Provides recommendations to help teachers improve their techniques of
teaching Spelling and help students overcome errors and mistakes .

:Significance of the research
The Present Research intends , among other Few Studies in the same field to
investigate and analyze the English Performance of Thamar University student ,,English department ,, The importance of this research Stems out from the importance of English language itself , especially in Yemen . English language has been up to recent times one of the Criterion for joining universities and higher institutions.
It is the language or research, and a means of instrumental or a living moreover. It is the tool or science and technology and also, means of communication with other nation. Therefore, the significance of this study is due to the importance or correct
pronunciation and spelling. Anyone who spells correctly, writes correctly and he/she reads correctly. This study is attempted to find the factors causing spelling problem for those, who work in the field or teaching English as a foreign or second language to
avoid, spelling errors and to find solution to this problem.
Also, it is useful to the teachers or English so as and how they con address them . considering the method that help students to deal with them . Also, useful for inspectors . who can use the results in field work to draw teachers attention to tackle English as Carefully and Serious for the benefit of Stan dents and for reinforcing Spelling .

This study assumed that the problem under investigation is due to the following
A- Most of the spelling errors one due to the English sound recognition and its
use .
B- There is one problem facing students in English spelling rules and English
sounds .
C- The Possible Solution of the Spelling Problems rests on teaching Correct
Pronunciation , the basic spelling rules and reminding the students of the exception that every language has .

Research Limitations
The Limitations of The research is divided into three
Subject Limitations:
Spelling errors among English as a second language learners in English department
Education college ,, Thamar university
Place Limitations
English department ,, Education college , , Thamar university
Time Limitations:
This research has been done during the Second semester of the year
,, 2016 - 2017,,

Human Limitations :
This research applied to sample of the first ,second ,third and forth level students In English department - Education college

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